Monday, September 13, 2010

Young Gifted & Black: Wait your turn

If you look hard enough you will see every community has a group of individuals who are enthusiastic and ready to get their hands dirty to make a difference in their community. These individual are the Young, Gifted and in my community they are Black. They have a hope and faith in their eyes that the older generation has all but lost.

But even with all the potential they have they seem to be stifled for some reason and for a long time I couldn't understand why? However after having conversation from members of other organizations and taking a closer look at my own fraternity, I realized transition is not happening. Another way to explain the lack of transition is that the baton is not being passed.

Imagine turning on the Summer Olympics, and all the various country's have lined up at the starting block. Each one represents a different community and every leg of the race the next generation. In order to have a successful race the baton must be passed with such precision and timing that most of us barely notice it has been passed.

As we look at the race almost inevitably there is a group that has issues with passing the baton from one person to the next. The older experience teammate doesn't communicate to the new generation runner and then you see the baton bobbled in the air and eventually drop to the ground. All while this is happening the other teams have transitioned from one runner to the next with ease.

The new generation runner picks up the baton and does their best to catch up to the other relay teams. But they are so far behind in the race they have to run twice as hard and fast as the previous generation just to make sure they don't let the same thing happen to the next generational runner.

So what does this have to do with the Young Gifted and Black in America. Well many of us want to take on leadership roles or at least begin to learn from those before us. However it seems the YG&B can't seem to even get into training. The baton is dangled over our head like a carrot. And then we are chastised because we don't perform like we should

Well it may be time that the Young Gifted and Black do what we should have done a long time ago and thats snatch the baton! Its our leg of the race and we have a lot of catching up to do. We need to make strides in Education, Business, Politics, Community involvement.

If our generation does not become more aggressive and take charge of the future of our community we will get further and further behind in the race. There are so many of us Young, Gifted and Black who know what it takes for us to make up time in the race. We have the connections, education and drive that can lead make up ground and not only catch up to the other runners in the race, but even pass them by.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I haven't written anything in along while... I used to write on myspace and for whatever reason I stopped.  I don't know if it was the venue I used to express myself or if it was just everything happening in life.  Plus I started writing while I was in graduate school  when I had a lot more time!  

But today is a new start!  Its a new opportunity for expression, its a new opportunity for honing skills, its a new opportunity to start those things I have been putting off like starting this blog.  

Today I didn't go to church, but I took some much needed time to myself.  I didn't check on anyone else and nobody checked on me (which I'm fine with).  I was able to clear my head and do some things I have been putting off.  I guess today I remembered that I need to take advantage of everyday!  More importantly I need to take time for myself.  And the sky is not going to fall if I'm not around, and if it does... maybe it was supposed to.  

Today is the only day you have,  its the only opportunity because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised.  But somewhere along the way we forget to live in the moment.  We forget to plan for tomorrow but live for today.  

This year so far has been a blessing, work has been good but busy, my sister got married, and I feel the possibilities!  Even with everything that has been going on I feel like there should be more.  Or I know that if I worked harder or stepped outside my comfort zone I could have some of the things I have been dreaming about.   

The other thing about today is that I have started to think about what it is I need to let go of, what do I need to focus on.  Grad school, new job, house, fraternity... which way?  

The reality of it is though  I need not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own.  At the same rate i need to prepare for whatever opportunity comes.  

I guess my point is today for me is a new start!  It is an opportunity, and with that opportunity I need to be prepared for whats to come.  

God is Good
All the Time 

All the Time 
God is Good